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Multi-Therapy Holistic Specialist & Wellbeing Coach 

Gee Gahir  (BSc. SoN Reg. D.N.N. EMCC )
 Hi, Welcome to a Natural Wellbeing by Gee.  

'2020 Holistic Health' was a vision of proactive well-being launched in 2014 to provide non-clinical holistic mind-body

 solutions to maintain wellbeing through lifestyle interventions, and as an adjunct to medical care.   

During the 2020 pandemic, the well-being service was optimized to restore balance, through health coaching and social prescribing. 

I am not a doctor and do not provide medical advice. I am a scientist by profession, with a curious mind and a deep affinity for metaphysics. I am an experienced naturopath, healer, and lifestyle coach, and a pioneer of the healthy lifestyle movement within NHS. My portfolio of healthcare experience is an accumulation of 30 years of service integrating conventional and traditional modalities to provide holistic well-being solutions.


During the pandemic, I offered grief counseling, as well as naturopathic interventions to overcome some of the symptoms of long-COVID (without clinical reason).


Why Holistic Health- Why Proactive Healthcare? 


I was exposed to numerous healing modalities having been exposed to numerous surgical interventions to correct childhood hip dysplasia. This was the catalyst that propelled me to seek proactive solutions to preserve the life of my joints and aid mobility. Despite graduating with a science degree, my intuition or inner calling led me to investigate unconventional healing sciences. 

 Healthcare is reactive, treatments are only offered when conditions deteriorate.

The holistic path offers proactive and preventative solutions that limit deterioration and restore and maintain wellbeing. 


Over the decades I have embodied the path of natural therapeutics, using the seasons as a guide, food, herbs, and spices as medicine, and functional movement as meditation. I practice Bhakti & Shabd yoga from a young age, which continues to play a pivotal role in my life. 


What you can expect: 

Since the pandemic, I have facilitated well-being & lifestyle coaching for thousands of clients

90% improved their wellbeing (patient-reported outcome measures)

100% of patients rated their coaching experience as excellent and highly recommended the service. 


My aim is to help my clients regain peace of mind and vitality. Together with my team, we provide a highly professional service, with meaningful conversations, a non-judgemental approach, personalized care plan to help you meet and achieve your health goals. 


Current responsibility:

provide a multi-therapy non-clinical holistic wellbeing service for HNPCN (in response to pandemic crises) with a team of ARRs (social prescribers, mental health practitioners, health coaches and care navigators) as part of an integrated team. 

I addressed an unmet need, providing solutions to Long-COVID (non-clinical) addressing public health concerns through lockdown

I am the operational lead, embedding UCL Partners proactive Framework for long-term conditions to manage Cardiovascular disease and quality improvement in Diabetes. 

 I am passionate about delivering personlised care and have been appointed Personalized care faculty lead for CEPN NEL(training hub), and offer my expertise to teach medical students about naturopathic principles, and the importance of integrating healthy lifestyles. 


Book with confidence knowing your well-being is our top priority. 





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Connect with me  


An opportunity to share your story and explore how

holistic coaching can

facilitate your re-connection to inner-wisdom & power. 


Please complete an online questionnaire




Wellbeing Coaching 

6 sessions / 3 months 




Seasonal Vitality Plan  

A seasonal immersion 

(12-15 months)

From Burnout to Balance



Image by Jeremy Bishop

Leadership Coaching 

Zen Leadership 

DOT principle 


Personal Coaching 

Transitions & Life Change 

Step into your power 


Spiritual Coaching 

Grief & Loss 


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Professional History 


My professional career started as a research associate at the Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology in 1991, and department of Diabetes, St Barts Hospital (1993-1996) on Prof Edwin Gales team, international research in type 2 diabetes.


My professional career organically transitioned from the laboratory to sales and marketing (Vitamin & Mineral industry) and Pharmaceuticals, where I have spent almost two decades. Adept with drug design, delivery and market access across Dermatology (skin health) and Bone health, I received several national accolades for navigating service and pathway redesign over the years, finally receiving the prestigious National Market Access award in 2018/19. 



I established one of the first healthy lifestyle proactive programs at The Royal London Hospital, supported by Prof Rino Cerios Team and the Dermatology & Rheumatology departments to reduce stress in patients waiting for treatment. 






















Academics & Holistic Wellbeing 


Throughout my career, I have pursued academic studies and personal development, mainly in natural sciences, and metaphysics. I received a bachelor of science in Applied Biology and Masters's in Neuroscience, my research explored perception, investigating how compound eyes interpret wavelengths of light. 


I qualified as a nutritionist and naturopath in 2000, alongside other healing modalities (homeopathy, Gerson cancer therapy, metamorphic, reiki). My passion for the therapeutic properties of food , herbs and spices, moves beyond the realms of macro and micronutrition and introduces the energetic properties of seasonal food, authentic recipes, inspired by my grandmother, and mother. 

I am a Shiatsu, TCM and seated acupressure practitioner, a yoga teacher specialising in stress management and functional movement for hip surgery rehabilitation. I spend my time researching proactive dis-ease prevention and early intervention using these modalities. 


My life path has been richly infused with a lineage of extraordinary Masters (Guru's), where I have experienced nothing short of miracles, in my own journey and in serving others.


A conduit between the tangible, clinical world of science and the invisible intangible realm of mind-body-spirit, I have enjoyed a portfolio career spanning across 3 decades, the one constant has remained my passion for advocating lifestyle education, personal mentoring, and coaching. 


I have provided lifestyle yoga and stress management at schools, to reduce anxiety and improve performance outcomes.  


I have developed training courses for medical students, facilitated personal development for consultants who are now national and global champions in their specialty.  I have delivered specialised yoga teacher training. 


I regularly deliver Zen leadership and workplace wellbeing workshops for organisations, introducing holistic perspectives to enable productivity and performance, resolve conflict resolution.


If you are at crossroads in your life path or career - consider a conversation with me.



Environment & Holistic Health 


Holistic means treating the whole person: body, mind, emotions, spirit, and space.


The environment we live and work in influences the quality of our well-being. Our environment conveys an energetic resonance perceived through material and sensory stimuli.

The air we breathe, the water we drink, the light we are exposed to, what food we choose to eat and how we eat, stress, pollution, our relationships all influence our thoughts, feelings, and our cellular makeup.


My curiosity of controlled environments in manifesting and maintaining health was heightened during my time in research. For example, the success of an experiment or a drug under laboratory control relies on environmental conditions (pH, temperature, hydration, light etc). Similarly, balancing our internal homeostasis (the way we think, behave, feel etc) depends on our diet, supplements exercise, and environmental conditions. 

If our space is not conducive to our serenity, we are less likely to maintain balance. This is true for creating workplace wellbeing as well as a sacred space at home to restore wellbeing. 


Intrigued to identify the correlation between health and environment, I explored (and studied) the ancient art and science of placement, Chue Style Feng Shui, with exceptional Masters. This was a game-changer, and transformed my life.

I am the national research coordinator for Chue UK. 

Read more about how our environment shapes health and supports healing 









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       Teaching Experience:


  • 2022 - Personalised care Faculty Lead CEPN NEL / Delivering lifestyle education to medical students 

  • ​2021 - LTC Proactive Care & Prevention for CVD & Diabetes Project Lead for BHRCCG in collaboration with UCL Partners.  Launched WELLBEING WIZARDS PODCAST 

  • 2020- Long-COVID audit lead HNPCN - non-clinical interventions for psychosomatic symptoms

  • 2020- Established non-clinical Early Intervention Wellbeing & Lifestyle service for NHS Havering North Primary Care Network  

  • 2017 - 2020 Chue Style Feng Shui research coordinator & Module A&B teacher trainer

  • 2010 - 2018 Yoga Show / Mind Body Spirit events 

  • 2016/17 -Yoga Teacher Trainer (Teach Yoga) pioneered 2020 Seasonal Wellbeing Teacher Training Modules

  • 2015 – Developed Specialist Yoga for Stress Management -BWY Yoga accredited course

  • 2015/16 – Pioneered Healthy Lifestyle clinics for Psoriasis at The Royal London Hospital (Dermatology) with Professor Rino Cerio & Sister Angela Braeger 

  • 2014- 2016 Delivering vitamin D & Bone Health training & education to healthcare professionals, facilitated advisory boards to develop national vit D guidelines nationally. 

  • 2014 – Developed pre & post hip surgery holistic health care plan as an adjunct to NHS rehabilitation

  • 2014 – Breath Body Mind training with Dr Richard Brown & Dr Pat Gerbarg, specialising in anxiety & PTSD.

  • 2014
 /15 – HASWA Lifestyle Medicine & Wellbeing project lead

  • 2013 – 2017 – NHS & Pharma Yoga Workplace Wellbeing Workshops 

  • 2013 – Co-organiser of Yoga Charity event GOSH

  • 2012/13 – Frances Bardsley Academy for girls – empowering leadership & stress management 

  • 2011/13 Delivered dermatology training for pharmacists across NEL, facilitated dermatology service redesign across BHR in collaboration with stakeholders. 

  • 2009/13 - London wide teaching programs for clinical specialists (dermatology) 

  • 2007 – Certified Seated Acupressure & Shiatsu Teacher Trainer

  • 2007 – 2017 Facilitated training for healthcare professionals (Dermatology) 

  • 2005 – 2007 Shiatsu for critical illness and end of life care inspired by Diego Sanchez

  • 1999 – 2020 Seasonal wellbeing and lifestyle education 


  • Pharma Times Market Access Lead (Marketer of the Year) National award

  • Pharma Times Cross-Functional team of the year (2013/14- 2018) 

  • Pharma Field Award - key account manager/customer accolade  



  • Barts Health, Diabetes.

  • Kennedy Institute Rheumatology, Bone health.

  • NHS Stress Management Pilots

  • Skin Health Pilot at The Royal London Hospital Dermatology Department

  • Therapeutic Yoga for Hip Surgery – personal case study


  • Mini MBA (Health & Lifescience) 

  • MSc Neuroscience

  • BSc Applied Biology

  • Diploma Psychology

  • Association of British pharmaceutical industry (ABPI) Exams

  • Diploma Natural Nutrition & Naturopathy (College of Natural Nutrition)

    Complementary & Holistic Health Qualifications:

  • Diploma Shiatsu, TCM & Qigong (European Shiatsu School)

  • Diploma Seated Acupressure / Certified teacher

  • Reiki Master Level 1 & 2 

  • BWY certified Yoga Teacher – specialised in stress management & hip surgery 

  • Stress Management Trainer (Stress Management Society)

  • Environmental Health Feng Shui Practitioner & Certified Chue Teacher – Geopathic Stress  

Registered with the following professional regulatory authorities:

Senior Associate of the Royal Society of Medicine & MCMA associate of the Complimentary Association.

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Royal London Team: Prof Rino Cerio. Sister Angie, Dr 
Fundraising Yoga event for GOSH (2013) 



The 2020 Holistic Health platform advocates non-clinical healthier lifestyle choices that do not replace recommendations provided by GP or Hospital specialists.


All material on this website is designed for information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction.


No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this information; readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being.





The Upminster Healing & Teaching Sanctuary, Pea Lane, Essex RM14 2XH


Skin55, Harley Street, London, W1G 8QR










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